Dry Cleaning

Leather & Suede

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2127 Greenville Ave
Dallas, TX 75206


Eco Friendly dry cleaning

Leather & Suede

Why is it important to have your Suede & Leather dry Cleaned?

Suedes and leathers require special expertise for proper care.  Suedes and leathers need to be reconditioned periodically to ensure that suedes don’t fade and that surface wear doesn’t develop on finished leathers due to dryness. Smooth leathers in good condition can be cleaned and re-conditioned and refinished making them look new again.

In many cases, even a badly stained leather or suede garment can be saved, but each one is different.

There are many variables when you factor in the cause of the stain with the different types of leather. Most manufacturers recommend that leather garments be cleaned using professional leather cleaning methods. This ensures that the stain will be treated properly and that the suppleness, color, and finish of the garment are maintained and restored.  Shearlings should be cleaned, conditioned, and glazed at least once a year, regardless of usage, just as you would a fine fur coat. The process restores natural oils and prevents drying and cracking.

Dry-cleaning and laundry in Dallas for leather
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